Comprehensive and effective quality assurance underpins all NCUK programmes at MIE Pathways. This ensures that students completing an NCUK programme are of the necessary standard to succeed on appropriate degree programmes in NCUK Universities.
We maintain academic standards and enhance quality through the procedures and infrastructure that comprise the NCUK Quality Assurance Framework. NCUK procedures are modelled on those commonly in use for collaborative provision in UK universities and where relevant, conform to Quality Assurance Agency’s Quality Code. The NCUK Board of Directors has delegated its authority to the Academic Quality Board. The Academic Quality Board is an independently constituted body which sits outside of NCUK’s management structure and is comprised of external professorial-level academics. To protect the academic integrity of the Northern Consortium and the NCUK Universities, NCUK has a governance structure that ensures standards are maintained.
All NCUK programmes are subject to monitoring and regular review using the NCUK Product Development Framework. All programmes are subject to an Annual Validity Review that assesses the overall programme and individual modules to ascertain their validity and reliability based on quantitative data and qualitative feedback from students, Study Centres and NCUK Universities. Teaching staff have the opportunity to contribute to this process by providing feedback in Marker’s Reports. All of NCUK’s programmes are reviewed periodically, when a review takes place MIE Pathways will be asked for feedback as part of a formal consultation. Any significant changes to NCUK’s programmes are reviewed and approved by a Validation Panel made up of external subject experts. (For full details see the Academic Handbook, Product Development Framework)